Saturday, December 4, 2004


Oh my goodness... I have comments! TWO of them, and from REAL bloggers!  

It's been ages since I've checked on this journal, and I sincerely apologize to you, Theresa, for not seeing your reply sooner. (Frankly, it never occurred to me to look for any; I didn't think anyone knew this thing existed.) Thanks so much for your supportive post. I have added your link to my blogroll, and I'll be by to return the visit.  

Musenla, I've been lurking around your journals since you started them, and I'm a big admirer of your work. Your kind encouragement means a great deal to me -- enough to get me writing here again, which is more of a feat than you know. It's been a long, dark year for me, and I've been writing only in a private journal with no readers. Maybe it's time to come back out into the light.  

Thank you both for stopping by.