Saturday, December 4, 2004


Oh my goodness... I have comments! TWO of them, and from REAL bloggers!  

It's been ages since I've checked on this journal, and I sincerely apologize to you, Theresa, for not seeing your reply sooner. (Frankly, it never occurred to me to look for any; I didn't think anyone knew this thing existed.) Thanks so much for your supportive post. I have added your link to my blogroll, and I'll be by to return the visit.  

Musenla, I've been lurking around your journals since you started them, and I'm a big admirer of your work. Your kind encouragement means a great deal to me -- enough to get me writing here again, which is more of a feat than you know. It's been a long, dark year for me, and I've been writing only in a private journal with no readers. Maybe it's time to come back out into the light.  

Thank you both for stopping by.


Anonymous said...

So glad you're back on board with your journal.  Hope we can enjoy many happy posts together.

Anonymous said...

Glad so see you're back to writing.  I had the feeling it has been an "annus horribilis" for you, judging by the information you'vea alluded to in your previous entries.

Thank you for letting me know that you've been reading my journals all this time.  It's always gratifying to know that people enjoy my work.  

Yes, come out into the light and play with us.  We need more witty voices like yours!  =P