Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hello Goodbye

Moving on, letting go ... not my strong suits. I did not intend to save this blog, having moved from AOL to Blogger some time ago. Then I stopped in for one last look before AOL trashed it, and I just couldn't bear to lose it. It's not the blog so much that I still need as it is the memories of the community that once existed on AOL. It was truly a special place, once upon a time. And then there are all those comments. Many are from the beginning of online friendships that continue to this day, and some from friends who have since passed away. Letting those vanish would be like throwing out a beribboned stack of love letters. Not gonna happen.

To give the devil his due, I have to say that transferring Maraca from AOL to Blogger was fast, easy, and painless. AOL, I thank you for that. And without further ado, it's back to the future: Maraca on Blogpspot. See you there.

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