Thursday, May 13, 2004

The speed of flight

You gotta check this out: It's the Chrysler 2005 Crossfire Roadster Ltd. convertible. I do believe this is the coolest little car I have ever seen.

I can picture myself behind the wheel, cruisin' down the coast with salt spray in my face, wind in my hair, and bugs in my teeth. One day, one golden day, I am trading in my Dodge minivan for this. Oh yeah, baby. Oh yeah.

I learned to drive in a Chrysler--my grandfather's 1951 New Yorker Imperial. God, that car was something. Massive and brick-solid and blue, with real leather and heavy chrome. It had a pearl steering wheel, and a hood ornament with wings that begged to be caressed. Front fenders like big, beefy shoulders that could muscle aside anything in its path. I had to have wooden blocks strapped to the pedals just to reach them. And oh, the voice it had, deep and mysterious and powerful as my grandfather himself. I wonder what ever became of it. I hope it's still out there, somewhere, with someone who loves it.

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