Wednesday, January 14, 2004

101 uses for Tampax

I just saw the damndest commercial.


Picture it: Romantic couple in a rowboat. Idyllic scenery. Perfect, lazy afternoon -- until the boat springs a leak. While Boatdude panics, the chick whips out a big honkin’ box of Tampax, which she has apparently been lugging around like a purse. She peels a tampon and stuffs it into the hole. Boatdude is impressed. Hands are clasped. Woo is pitched. 


OK, here's what's wrong with this picture:

A. Every woman I know would rather go down with the ship than do this.
B. Every man I know would rather drown than see a woman do this.
C. Anyone who has ever used a Tampax knows these people are doomed.

Jeeze Louise. Imagine the damage these marketing guys could do with douche.

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