Thursday, January 15, 2004

Brain food

From AOL News: "EVANSVILLE, Ind. (Jan. 15) - Fear of mad cow disease hasn't kept Cecelia Coan from eating her beloved deep-fried cow brain sandwiches ... 'This is better than snail, better than sushi, better than a lot of different delicacies,'" she says. "'You're going to die anyway. Either die happy or you die miserable.'"

Hey, Cecelia, go for it. What's a few more holes in your head.

Have you seen the footage of infected cattle, Cece? That is not - repeat NOT - a happy death. On the other hand, if eating diseased brains gives you that much pleasure, knock yourself out. Your call.

(These journals need way more choices for Mood. Grossed Out, Nauseated, Repulsed, and Oh-Sweet-Mother-of-Pearl spring to mind.)

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